Sanyo Leather Co., Ltd.

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Acquired LWG (Leather Woking Group) environmental certification

Sanyo Leather Co.,Ltd has recently acquired LWG (Leather Working Group) environmental certification.

LWG environmental certification is only given to tanners who comply with strict international standards.

We will spread the goodness of Japan Leather that nurtured Sanyo Leather to the world.

What is LWG

The LWG (Leather Working Group) is a non-profit international organization established in 2005 that raises awareness of leather quality, safety, and environmental issues. It consists of three companies: leather-related brands, tanners, and pharmaceutical manufacturers, and is headquartered in England.
LWG assesses the environmental compliance and performance capabilities of leather manufacturers around the world against our own environmental auditing standards and certifies those that pass.

Audit Criteria
1 Consideration for the environment
2 Safety in the manufacturing process (not using prohibited substances)
3 Safe facilities in the factory (appropriate wastewater treatment)
4 Implementation of traceability from raw materials to the final process, etc.

In addition, we have started to receive materials only from tanners (tanners) who have acquired LWG environmental certification in order to provide safe and secure leather to consumers, considering environmental issues, mainly from world-famous brands. I’m here.

member organizations

As of May 2023, approximately 1,100 tanneries worldwide have obtained LWG environmental certification.
In addition, most of the world’s famous brands that use leather products are members. In the future, it is expected to expand to more tanners, brands, traders (trading companies), etc.

Efforts of Japanese tanners for the world

As of May 2023, there are only two tanneries (tanners) in Japan, including our company, that have obtained LWG environmental certification.
Compared to the acquisition situation in the world, the result is a low situation.
However, Japan Leather itself is highly evaluated worldwide, and environmental considerations at the production site, cessation of use of prohibited chemicals, and development of environmentally friendly leather are being carried out.
It is expected that Japanese tanners will also acquire LWG environmental certification in the future.

LWG Official Site

Sanyo Leather Co., Ltd. LWG environmental certification (LWG official site)

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